Adding New Products

How to add new products to your system

Have a look at a video here or scroll down for more information.

Adding New Products

Please note that when you add a new product, you will also need to add it to the selling layout so it will appear on the front end.

To add a new product manually to your inventory you will need to click on the ‘Add New Product’ button. Then click on the link to the different sections below to learn more about each section.

Screenshot 2021-11-01 at 07.34.18 

1) Product Details 

Screenshot 2021-11-01 at 07.35.32

2) Product Information

Screenshot 2021-11-01 at 07.35.41

3) Product Images

Screenshot 2021-11-01 at 07.35.53

4) Product Prices and VAT 

Screenshot 2021-11-01 at 07.36.21

5) Goodeats Settings

Screenshot 2021-11-01 at 07.36.49

6) Variants

Screenshot 2021-11-01 at 07.37.40

7) Inventory

Screenshot 2021-11-01 at 07.37.51


Screenshot 2021-11-01 at 07.38.34


Screenshot 2021-11-01 at 07.38.58

Product Visibility 

Screenshot 2021-11-01 at 07.38.00

Product Printing

Screenshot 2021-11-01 at 07.39.19

Duplicate Existing Products

You can also use duplicate an existing product. To do this, click the pen icon to edit your chosen product.Screenshot 2021-11-01 at 07.43.12

Then select the Duplicate Product button at the top right:Screenshot 2021-11-01 at 07.44.01Then edit the product as you wish.