PRO | Coupons - FAQs

Common queries regarding the Coupons module

  1. Can I make coupons outlet-specific?
    1. Unfortunately when a coupon is created it can be used at all outlets under the account, this can't be restricted.
  2. Can I bulk import coupons into the system?
    1. Yes - these have to be imported in a particular template, please download this here. Please note that if you're importing many thousands of coupons at once there's a small chance it may timeout, and you may need to import the rest in a separate file. 
  3. Can I integrate the coupons with WooCommerce?
    1. Unfortunately not with the integration as it stands.

  4.  Can I use Coupons with multi-vendor setup on Goodeats?
    1. No - while Coupons can be redeemed via Goodeats, the redemption will not work for multi-vendor setups on Goodeats. For more information see here
  5. I'm getting an error when paying by coupon that says "Coupon product ID (xxxx-xxxx), not found, please try again or call the support number". 

    This is because there is a Coupon 'product' in your Product List that has been made inactive or deleted (or potentially made un-shareable). To resolve the issue, in your back office go to Products > Product List, find and edit the Coupon product and reactivate it (you may also need to make it shareable if you have multiple outlets that use coupons).