How to contact SumUp Point of Sale PRO (Enterprise/Goodtill) Support

Please see below for our contact methods and opening hours

Live chat

For the quickest reply, we're open via live chat from your SumUp POS website or the support website in the hours below:

Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm

Weekends and Bank holidays: 10am to 6pm 



Phone and Email

We're also open for more extended hours via email ( or by phone (020 3322 4095) in the hours below:

Monday to Thursday: 8am to 7pm

Friday: 8am to 9pm

Saturday: 10am to 9pm

Sunday & Bank holidays: 10am to 6pm (live chat and email only)

Please note that if you're not immediately able to reach us by phone, we log all missed calls and will call you back very shortly!