Goodeats Stripe Payouts FAQs

Common questions and answers about the Stripe payouts

Please note the first payout for every new account is typically paid out 7 days after the first successful payment is received. This waiting period can be up to 14 days for businesses in certain industries. This delay allows SumUp to mitigate some of the risks inherent in providing credit services.

Q) Why is my payout from Stripe different to the amount recorded in the SumUp POS Goodeats Report?

A) This can be due to a few reasons:

  1. Fees have been deducted. The amount that is paid out by Stripe is the Sale Amount plus Sale Tips, minus the Fee Total. These figures are all available in the Goodeats Report > Reports > Goodeats Report. 
  2. Sales might have been voided in the back office instead of being refunded. This causes the payment to appear in the Stripe payout (because it was never retracted) but is not counted from the Goodeats report (because it's voided). 
  3. A sales refund processed after a few days. This causes the reports to not count those sales, but they'll be included in the payout because the payout occurred before the refund. Similarly, a payout may be less than expected because it contains a refund of a sale from a few days ago.
  4. There may be a delay in some payments, so for example on Monday you take £100 in total (tips and fees taken into consideration). On Wednesday you get a payout of £90, but on Thursday a payout of £10. So looking at your payouts over a wider time range can help better reconcile the numbers.