Advanced Loyalty - FAQs

Common queries regarding the Goodies app and Advanced Loyalty module

  1. How do my customers download the Goodies app?
    1. The Goodies app can be downloaded from the Apple Store or from the Google Play store. 
  2. How can I scan their code?
    1. You can use the iPad camera or buy a dedicated handheld scanner here. 
  3. What happens with the points if I have multiple outlets?
    1. The points can be earned at any outlet and redeemed in any outlet, they can't be restricted to be earned/redeemed at specific outlets. 
  4. If I refund a sale, will it deduct the points back from the customer?
    1. Yes, if you refund a sale, it will deduct points from the customer. However please note that this may take some time to sync through.